The latest news and discoveries in the

Physio Space

Keeping you informed

Meniscus tear: surgery or physical therapy?

The meniscus is a C-shaped pad of cartilage inside the knee that absorbs shock and cushions movement. It can tear when you pivot or twist your knee in a game of footie, basketball or tennis. It can also tear in more mundane ways while you’re kneeling, squatting or lifting.

But what’s the best way to treat it? Physiotherapy? Surgery? The right decision depends on a number of factors.

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Understanding pain: what to know

Often pain recedes as an injury heals. But not always. Sometimes pain persists for months or years, long after the original cause has healed.

That’s because your body’s pain system is stuck on high alert, continuing to send pain signals even though there’s no physical reason to do so anymore. Why? And what can you do about it?

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Stiff neck? 6 prevention methods

Got a stiff neck? Often, that unpleasant feeling can be prevented by maintaining good posture to avoid straining neck muscles.

If your neck is regularly stretched too far forward while you work or drive, or tilted down as you while away the hours on a device, then you may well develop some neck pain. Here are 6 ways to prevent that from happening.

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