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Physio Space

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Osteitis Pubis

Overcoming osteitis pubis – our guide to getting over groin strain 

Osteitis pubis, often referred to as groin strain, is a painful debilitating condition. While anyone can experience osteitis pubis, two groups of people are susceptible for different reasons. In athletes, particularly footballers in all codes, hockey players and runners, osteitis pubis is usually an overuse injury.  In pregnant women about to engage in one of…

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Woman with back ache

12 ways to relieve constant backache 

Ways to relieve a backache Persistent, nagging backache affects around 85% of us at some time in our lives. Our clients often experience this frustrating and painful complaint as lower back stiffness and muscle ache. In most cases can be treated successfully by combining physical therapy and lifestyle changes. As skilled and experienced spine specialists…

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