Wrist physiotherapy

Physio Services

Wrist physiotherapy in Daisy Hill, North Lakes & Eight Mile Plains

The wrist: it’s made up of eight small bones and two large bones and can answer your phone for you if you lift it the right way. It’s an incredibly complex part of the human body and is one of the most common injuries presenting at hospitals in Australia [1].

Because we use our wrists every day, for almost all of our daily activities, it’s important to understand wrist pain causes and treat and manage any chronic or acute wrist pain.

Wrist physiotherapy

Types of wrist pain and injury

Because the wrist is so intricate and complex, there are unfortunately a number of ways and areas of the wrist you can injure. Understanding your wrist pain location can help with treatment and management. Some of the places you can experience wrist pain are:

Ulnar wrist pain

Ulnar wrist pain is pain on the side of your wrist which is opposite to your thumb. It can be caused by a number of things, including arthritis, injury such as fracture, by overusing the wrist.

Dorsal wrist pain

Dorsal wrist pain is located on the back of the wrist and can spread to either the thumb or pinky finger sides. Dorsal wrist pain can cause pain in the upper wrist. It can be caused by damage to the cartilage or tendons and is often felt or exacerbated when overextending your wrist.

Radial wrist pain

Radial wrist pain is pain on the side of your thumb. It can be caused by injury, repetitive movement, or straining.

Diagnosing wrist pain

If you are experiencing pain in your wrist, it is important to find the wrist pain location and understand the causes.At the Brisbane Spine Clinic, our team of physios will undertake a thorough assessment process to identify the cause of wrist pain, and investigate any factors which are contributing to or worsening your wrist pain symptoms.

Some of the things we will look at include:

  • Lifestyle – how often are you using your wrist joints and could you be overusing them?
  • Exercise habits – are you protecting your wrists when you exercise?
  • Injury history – have you fractured, sprained or broken your wrist before?
  • Biomechanics – do you have a family history or any symptoms of arthritis or other joint conditions?

Depending on where you are at in your diagnostic and treatment journey, our team can refer you to other medical professionals, including specialist doctors or for medical imaging, to help with diagnosing the cause of your wrist pain.

Treating wrist pain

A targeted treatment plan is an important part of managing acute and recurring wrist pain.

To deal with any chronic pain, a multidisciplinary approach is often beneficial. You can consider working with allied health professionals, like physiotherapists, alongside your doctor, to manage your pain and ensure comprehensive care.

While it will be your doctor who manages major issues like surgery, fractures and breaks, physiotherapists can help you with sprains and other tendon-related injuries; as well as recovering from surgery or major injury like fractures and breaks.

Physiotherapy for wrist pain

Physiotherapy is an important component to manage and prevent wrist pain. Physiotherapy for wrist pain can be a first line of defence, for early onset pain symptoms, or can help you with recovery from wrist surgery.

There are many ways a physio can deliver treatment for wrist pain:

  • Physical manipulation and massage
  • Support with stretches and exercises
  • Strapping or aid support (such as a brace)
  • Referral to specialists or medical imaging

The team at Brisbane Spine Clinic can help you to alleviate wrist pain, improve mobility and strengthen your wrist and hand muscles. Book an appointment now to create a tailored physiotherapy plan to treat your wrist and joint pain.

Working with a physiotherapist at The Brisbane Spine Clinic can help manage acute pain in the wrist, relieve the symptoms, and create a plan toward long-term recovery.

Physiotherapy for wrist pain

Recovering from wrist surgery or wrist injury

If you are recovering from wrist surgery or wrist injury, it is important to prioritise rehabilitation.

As part of your recovery, your doctor will likely speak to you about rehabilitation and when you can return to normal activities. This is a great time to engage with a trusted physiotherapist.

Physiotherapy after wrist fracture or physiotherapy after wrist surgery will likely involve creating an individual plan to aid your rehabilitation.

Because the wrist is used so regularly, it can be prone to re-injury, but physiotherapy can help remobilise and strengthen the wrist to try and prevent reinjury.

The Brisbane Spine Clinic team works with people who are recovering from these injuries and surgeries daily, and we’d love to work with you, too.

Why choose our clinic

From the moment you book in for your consultation till the completion of your spinal treatments, you will realise The Brisbane Spine Clinic difference.

  • Peace of mind
  • Trust
  • Clear communication
  • Dedication and commitment
  • Highest level of care
  • Problem-solving approach
  • Second opinions
  • Non-invasive treatment

Our Physiotherapists


All information is general and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. The Brisbane Spine Clinic can consult with you regarding your individual health needs


[1] Injury in Australia: Contact with living things – Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (aihw.gov.au)